Owning a home is an expensive part of life. Not only are you likely dealing with a mortgage, utilities, and taxes, there are also all sorts of maintenance fees and energy costs that go along with it.
We here at North Ohio Property Inspection hear questions all the time from our customers about how to be more energy efficient and how to save on energy costs. Here are some of the suggestions we give out on a regular basis:
1) Check Your Ceiling Fans
One of the primary factors in determining energy costs is how often you are running your air conditioning units and furnace. By improving the airflow within your home, you can run these appliances less, and save your home money. Heat rises, so you want your ceiling fan to push the warm air back down during the Winter, and pull it up and out during the Summer. Most ceiling fans will allow you to adjust their rotation to achieve this.
2) Make Sure Your Home Is Insulated
Another factor in high energy costs is when the air inside your home easily escapes. This means that heat is escaping outside during the Winter, and the cool AC air is doing the same during the warmer months. By checking to make sure your home is insulated – inside the walls and ceiling, along with around doors and windows – you trap the air inside, and have your appliances run less.
3) Use Cold Water On Your Laundry
Washing machines draw a lot of energy when they run, so you’ll want to reduce this if you can. A large portion of the energy consumption comes from heating up the water, so if you can wash your clothes in cold water, you’ll start saving your home some money.
4) Turn Off Devices When Not In Use
Many of us leave our desktop computers running all of the time, so that we don’t have to wait for them to start back up. Not only does this use more energy, but it is also bad for your computer. You’ll save money on energy costs, and need to replace/repair your computer less often if you simply turn it off when you’re not using it.
5) Install A Smart Thermostat
Most thermostats allow you to adjust the temperature of your home with the press of a button. However, you don’t need your home at the same temperature at all times. With a smart thermostat, not only can you have the temperature of your home adjusted based on the time of day, but you can also remotely control it from a tablet or smart phone, allowing you to adjust your home’s heat/ac when you’re away.
6) Install An Automated Sprinkler
For those of you who need to water your lawns or gardens, you can save money by making the process automated. This will ensure your lawn/garden gets only the required amount of water, and at a time of day that is efficient. You’ll save time and money from doing this yourself, so consider installing one in your yard.
7) Switch To LED Lights
For older incandescent light bulbs, much of the energy is wasted through heat. Install newer, more efficient LED bulbs around your home to save some money on energy costs each year.
8) Adjust The Temperature Of Your Hot Water
Head over to your home’s water heater, and see what the temperature is. Most people don’t need water that is more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, so if yours is higher, you’re wasting energy.
9) Get Your Central Air and Furnace Inspected Regularly
Even if your heating and cooling systems work fine, it’s a good idea to perform regular maintenance on them. This will ensure that they are running at optimum efficiency, and make them less likely to break down at an inconvenient time.
10) Waterproof Your Basement
In many areas, and older homes, water starts to find its way into your basement. It could start out as a small drip, but eventually turn into a larger issue. By taking the time now to have your basement or crawl space waterproofed, you won’t have to worry about completing little repairs as time goes by.
11) Opt For A Clothes Rack
Clothes dryers are very convenient, but they also suck up a lot of energy. If you’re willing to wait a little longer for your clothes to dry, consider getting a drying rack for your basement. Then you can run the dryer a few less times, and cut back on the energy it consumes.
12) Install Solar Panels
Finally, a great thing you could do for your home is to install solar panels. While you’ll have to spend money upfront to get them, you could save your home a lot of money in the long run by using less oil or gas, and you’ll even help the environment out in the process.
These are just a few of the ways to reduce energy and maintenance costs around your home. If you would like to learn about more strategies, or to get ideas that are specific to your home, please feel free to contact us at any time.
North Ohio Property Inspection is a leading Medina home inspection company that specializes in homebuyer inspections and radon testing. We also service the Akron-Cleveland metro areas.
North Ohio Property Inspection
6121 Triple Crown Dr
Medina, Ohio 44256
Phone: (216)353-7465
Email: kurt@northohiopropertyinspection.com
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